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The Turing test is a test created by Alan Turing to test whether a particular machine is capable of exhibiting intelligence similar to that of a human's. In this test, a judge or judges ask questions to both an AI and a human through text. If the judge or judges fail to make the distinction most of the time, the machine is considered intelligent.
The Turing test was created at a time when technology was much less developed than it is now. Artificial intelligence was merely theoretical. Some of the greatest minds began to debate whether a machine could be intelligent, and if it could, how should that intelligence be tested?
The debate on whether machines are capable of thought like we are has been going on for centuries. Nobody seems to agree on the nature of artificial intelligence just like how nobody agrees on the nature of our own intelligence and consciousness. Additionally, there are ethical concerns to take into consideration. If artificial intelligence is considered sentient, then it would have to be treated as such. This brings up another concept: the Singularity. The singularity is a theory which states that as artificial intelligence develops, it will begin to improve upon itself at an exponential rate, far surpassing human intelligence. If this occurs, many fear the possible consequences of such an entity existing.